From Imagination To Publication

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Southern California Writers Conference (SCWC)

They told me I needed a website.

"What if I'm not even published yet..."
"You still need one."

I'm not sure if this counts as a website, but I guess it will do.  Nothing but good came from the conference, so I suppose I should listen to their advice.

Not only did I meet two of the most amazing writers/friends at SCWC, the experience may end up being life changing.  I submitted the first 20 pages of my completed manuscript for an advanced read with two agents and an author.  I never thought the author would open the door to opportunity, but she did.  She introduced me to a publisher who requested my full manuscript.  It was more than I could have hoped for.

I waited for two weeks before I heard back from them, and was so excited when I read the email that I accidentally smashed a snail as the jumping and flailing ensued.  Poor snail.  Brian said it was his time to go.

They offered me a Winter 2012 publishing slot.  It still hasn't sunk in.  I sign the contract tomorrow.

Here we go...


  1. The new novel is awesome. I have read and given advice on this book, and I can say, you won't be able to put it down. As an English teacher of 8th graders, I know what they like, and this is it! They've been waiting for a book that doesn't treat them like babies, but has characters they can connect to and love. Here is a book that does that and more.

  2. This book is going to soar! I loved it and everyone I know will love it. I can't wait for more. You truely are an amazingly talented writer!

  3. Jessica, I am so excited for you and even more excited for all the book lovers out there who are going to get the chance to read your page-turning novel!!

    The Descendants is such a fun, romantic, and beautiful story. It will draw-in readers of any age. I can't wait for the movie!
