Today I'm posting on Darkly Delicious YA. If you're curious just how embarrassing...just click here
Monday, December 16, 2013
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Holiday Craziness...
Thanksgiving was awesomesauce. Lots of food. Family. Charades that had me laughing in tears. I can't believe it's almost Christmas already. I've been SO busy. I have zero time these days. I did manage to sneak in to see TWO movies I was anxiously awaiting: City of Bones & Catching Fire.
I was looking forward to City of Bones, hoping the movie would sway my opinion about the book because I REALLY want to like the series. I have no idea why it doesn't float my boat. To each his own I guess. In any case, it still isn't for me, but I'm glad so many others love it :)
Catching Fire kind of blew my socks off. I was not expecting that movie to be as good as the first (as I didn't like the second book as much as the first) BUT it had me so sucked in that I was literally leaning forward in my seat the entire time.
In other news, I've joined a collaborative blog called Darkly Delicious YA. I'm hoping it will force me to be more active in the blogging world. As you can see...I've been sucking it up when it comes to posting :\ Here is a little about the blog:
At Darkly Delicious YA...
We are a collective of traditionally published young adult authors who are passionate about writing suspenseful, intriguing novels for teens and adults. Our works range from contemporary, romance, paranormal, magical realism, or supernatural, but each of our novels feature a darkly delicious storyline that will leave you craving more.
There are 21 authors involved, so I won't feel so pressed to post all the time, but I'll still get to pop in here and there :) It should be fun. I'm looking forward to it. We're all posting a little about the holidays, and on Monday (Dec. 16th) I'll be sharing one of my most embarrassing holiday moments....aaaah!
Here is the link if you want to follow: Darkly Delicious YA
In the meantime, I'll be writing writing writing...for those wondering about my third book, I have about 200 pages written. Getting close!!
I was looking forward to City of Bones, hoping the movie would sway my opinion about the book because I REALLY want to like the series. I have no idea why it doesn't float my boat. To each his own I guess. In any case, it still isn't for me, but I'm glad so many others love it :)
Catching Fire kind of blew my socks off. I was not expecting that movie to be as good as the first (as I didn't like the second book as much as the first) BUT it had me so sucked in that I was literally leaning forward in my seat the entire time.
In other news, I've joined a collaborative blog called Darkly Delicious YA. I'm hoping it will force me to be more active in the blogging world. As you can see...I've been sucking it up when it comes to posting :\ Here is a little about the blog:
At Darkly Delicious YA...
We are a collective of traditionally published young adult authors who are passionate about writing suspenseful, intriguing novels for teens and adults. Our works range from contemporary, romance, paranormal, magical realism, or supernatural, but each of our novels feature a darkly delicious storyline that will leave you craving more.
There are 21 authors involved, so I won't feel so pressed to post all the time, but I'll still get to pop in here and there :) It should be fun. I'm looking forward to it. We're all posting a little about the holidays, and on Monday (Dec. 16th) I'll be sharing one of my most embarrassing holiday moments....aaaah!
Here is the link if you want to follow: Darkly Delicious YA
In the meantime, I'll be writing writing writing...for those wondering about my third book, I have about 200 pages written. Getting close!!
What did you think about Catching Fire or City of Bones? Have you had time to go see any movies during this busy holiday season?
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Welcome to the first annual Thanksgivaway!
As if there was not enough to celebrate in the next month or two but Book2Buzz and Closed the Cover and friends decided to make it that much more special!
This giveaway is massive. No make that EPIC!
Prize? OMG, You're going to scream for joy!
One lucky winner will win a KINDLE FIRE HD pre loaded with over 50 books! SQUEEE!
There are a couple of other awesome prizes for other winners too!
This giveaway took a couple months of planning, and tons of authors and bloggers are involved! I am going to warn ya...the Rafflecopter is crazy long but the payout is ridiculously awesome!
I want to say "THANK YOU" to all the authors and bloggers involved because with you guys, Ashley and I could not have pulled this off!
Take a peek below to your prize, just WAITING for your loving tender touch!!
Here is a list of all the books already loaded on your brand new KINDLE HD, and other awesome prizes available!
Strength by Carrie Butler
Oppression (Children of the Gods #1) by Jessica Therrien
Uprising(Children of the Gods #2) by Jessica Therrien
Wicked Hunger by DelSheree Gladden
A God For All Seasons by Patti Tingen
Moonlight Dancer by Debra Atwood
Following Your Heart by Cheryl Persons
Mixing Business with Pleasure by Cheryl Persons
The Descendant by Samantha McMillian
The Last King of Ireland by Brian Igoe
The Story of Ireland by Brian Igoe
The Story of Napper Tandy by Brian Igoe
Confessions of a Gunfighter by Tell Cotten
Death of a Socialite by Isabel Saenz
Sworn to Raise by Terah Edun
Phantom by Laura DeLuca
The Disappearing Girl by Heather Wood
First Visions by Heather Wood
Broken Faith by Brandy Nacole
Uniquely Unwelcome by Brandy Nacole
Motorcross Me by Cheyanna Young
Not Your Fault by Cheyanna Young
Greta and the Goblin King by Chloe Jacobs
and so much more!
So, without further ado...Happy Thanksgiving to all and good luck in the THANKSGIVAWAY!
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
The Buzz: Divergent #3 Release
YAY! Allegiant (Divergent #3) was released if you didn't already know that, right? I'm pretty sure it has already become the #1 best-seller on Barnes & Noble and Amazon. Like everyone else, I've been anxiously awaiting book #3. I can't wait to see what happens!
Looking back it is so crazy how far Veronica Roth has come. I remember reading her blog WAY before she was ever published, and now pretty much everyone knows her name. It's kind of inspirational really. I like to remember that everyone who has ever been successful with their work always started out as just some joe-shmo who wanted it just as badly as we all do. You've got to start somewhere...
Anyway. Here is a little about the book and the upcoming movie (if for some reason you've been living under a rock and have no clue what I'm talking about).
Looking back it is so crazy how far Veronica Roth has come. I remember reading her blog WAY before she was ever published, and now pretty much everyone knows her name. It's kind of inspirational really. I like to remember that everyone who has ever been successful with their work always started out as just some joe-shmo who wanted it just as badly as we all do. You've got to start somewhere...
Anyway. Here is a little about the book and the upcoming movie (if for some reason you've been living under a rock and have no clue what I'm talking about).
One choice will define you.
What if your whole world was a lie?What if a single revelation—like a single choice—changed everything?What if love and loyalty made you do things you never expected?
The faction-based society that Tris Prior once believed in is shattered—fractured by violence and power struggles and scarred by loss and betrayal. So when offered a chance to explore the world past the limits she’s known, Tris is ready. Perhaps beyond the fence, she and Tobias will find a simple new life together, free from complicated lies, tangled loyalties, and painful memories.
But Tris’s new reality is even more alarming than the one she left behind. Old discoveries are quickly rendered meaningless. Explosive new truths change the hearts of those she loves. And once again, Tris must battle to comprehend the complexities of human nature—and of herself—while facing impossible choices about courage, allegiance, sacrifice, and love.
Told from a riveting dual perspective, Allegiant, by #1 New York Times best-selling author Veronica Roth, brings the Divergent series to a powerful conclusion while revealing the secrets of the dystopian world that has captivated millions of readers in Divergent and Insurgent.
SO has anyone read it yet? What did you think?
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Catching Fire Countdown!
I have to admit, I haven't been as excited about the Catching Fire movie as I thought I'd be. It will be out in little over a month, and I hardly even noticed the wait. That being said, I have been a little distracted by a crawly little monster who could care less about things he can't teeth on. BUT! After seeing this trailer...I'm super pumped again.
It got me thinking...
One of the reasons I may not be as excited about this movie as I was with the first is that I didn't enjoy the second and third books as much as I did the first book (don't get me wrong, I LOVED all three of them).
I think it's really hard for authors to outdo the first book in a series. Even in the movie world, sequels are never better than the original film. As a writer, one of my goals is to be better...tell a better story, in a better way, with better writing. It's hard to do (and I hope I succeeded in writing Uprising). One of the reasons I love Harry Potter so much is because every book just got better and better for me.
It got me thinking...
One of the reasons I may not be as excited about this movie as I was with the first is that I didn't enjoy the second and third books as much as I did the first book (don't get me wrong, I LOVED all three of them).
I think it's really hard for authors to outdo the first book in a series. Even in the movie world, sequels are never better than the original film. As a writer, one of my goals is to be better...tell a better story, in a better way, with better writing. It's hard to do (and I hope I succeeded in writing Uprising). One of the reasons I love Harry Potter so much is because every book just got better and better for me.
What series got better and better for you?
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Uncaged by Joe Gazzam
As an author, I get the awesome privilege of reading books before their release (all you book bloggers out there know how fun it is to get your hands on literary gold before anyone else). Right now I'm reading 2 manuscripts, 1 self-pub., writing my third book, indulging in my YA addiction by savoring every page of Unravel Me by Tahereh Mafi, and I just finished this ARC...It was awesome, so I thought I'd share :)
Uncaged technically falls under the YA genre as it follows 18-year-old Jason through a scared straight program gone wrong. As we all know, the YA genre is morphing into many things, one of which is the New Adult genre. With New Adult, the older YA lovers get a little more of what they want *cough* super sexay hotness *cough* What's interesting about Uncaged is that it is yet another YA book that steps outside of the traditional mold of YA. It appeals to the older readers, not with sexual tension, but with more detailed action. You can imagine the things that might happen if a prison full of crazy people were "uncaged." For those who aren't reading YA for the hot boys with their shirts off, this book is right up your alley. It is page-turning, intense, action packed, kick-ass-ness all in one. Seriously, my heart was pounding with each page.
Here is a little more about the novel.
But that's just the beginning. The tour has barely begun when one of the inmates makes a move. Before long the entire penitentiary is under siege, surrounded by the feds and overrun with prisoners let loose from their cells. Jason slips away with Sasha in the chaos, but they won't be able to escape without help. And the only thing worse than being stuck in prison, is being stuck in a prison run by the inmates.
If you're interested in interviewing the author or would like to review the book prior to its release on October 22nd, then shoot me an email at and I will get you in touch with the right people.
What is everyone else reading these days?
Sunday, September 8, 2013
Holy Awesome! Divergent Movie Trailer!!
Sweeeeeet. I've been waiting for this :) Haven't we all? I kind of can't believe it is out SO soon...
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Multi-Tasking Mom
I've never been a routine writer. I just end up psyching myself out whenever I try to force the words to come. The creative monkey in my brain gets all nervous and shuts down. Before baby, I'd write whenever ideas came to me. Now, A.B. (after baby) I can't really pull the little guy out of the bath to jot down a scene. I was going crazy with how slowly it was going.
I called up my friend/critique partner/editor Holly, and we decided we'd start trading chapters every Monday. It has been such a life saver. Just enough peer pressure to get me thinking/writing. I don't sit down at a set time every day, but knowing I have to get her the next chapter by Monday pushes me to make it work when ideas start flowing. Just the other day I was washing dishes, writing, and watching Matthew all at once. Now...I know what you're thinking. Water, electronic devises, and babies don't mix. True. But I had him in the high chair playing. I would wash a few plates. Dry my hands. Type. Type. Type. Then talk a little baby talk. Then do it all again. It was slow, but still awesome.
When Holly and I started, I had the first 3 chapters pretty much complete, but the rest of the manuscript was in a thousand different pieces scattered throughout 80 or so pages. Now I have the first 12 chapters of COTG #3 completely done (in crappy first draft form at least) and I have 130 pages.
Hooray for multi-tasking! Now...if I could just find a way to add a little more blogging to the mix ;)
How do you handle it all? Anyone out there an expert multi-tasker?
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Elyse as you’ve never seen her before…
If you read YA, chances are you’ve come to expect to meet your main character before ever opening the book. The pretty faces of strong heroines stare back at you from the bookshelves. Cover after cover they temp us to turn the page.

The great thing about “face covers” as some call them, is they give readers someone to picture. With each new book, we’re given another look at our leading lady.
…but wouldn’t it be neat if we could see our main characters in a new light? Well, for readers of my series, Children of the Gods, I’ve decided to do just that. On the cover of my books you meet Elyse, my main character.


Thursday, August 1, 2013
Novel Fashion Week!
Hey all! Katrina over at Kindred Dreamheart is in love with two things: fashion & books. She's hosting an awesome event called Novel Fashion week. It's day one of the event today! Check out my post on cover models and see my main character, Elyse, ripping up the runway!
[[Psssst]] There's also a $10 iTunes gift card giveaway. What are you waiting for?! Click HERE to check it out.
[[Psssst]] There's also a $10 iTunes gift card giveaway. What are you waiting for?! Click HERE to check it out.
Sunday, July 28, 2013
The Buzz: Catching Fire Trailer
I'm posting this now so I don't forget :) November 22nd is getting close!! YAAAAY! I'm so excited. It seriously looks SO good.
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Where have I been?
You all know the answer...I've been living in baby world for the last 6 months. Yes, my little guy is 6 months old already!! Crazy, right? I've come to learn that being a mom leaves little room for much else. Still, I'm managing to write (YAY!). That's about it though. I've become the worlds worst blogger. A Twitter slacker. Not to mention Facebook has become a baby picture share-fest.
Anyway...I'll do my best to keep you all up-to-date with my writing, my life, and little bits of book-related news. Here's a disclaimer though: I'm going to suck at it.
Book buzz update: The Divergent movie is in the works! WOOO! Have you seen the pics??
Writing update: Book 3 is at 33,000 words (108 pages). It's going slower than usual, but it's going.
Life update: I just got back from my 10 year high school reunion & got to visit with my nieces!!! It was SOOO FUN!! Also, little baby Matthew is working on perfecting the art of cuteness. Here are some pictures & a super funny video:
Monday, July 15, 2013
Mark of Nexus Book II Cover Reveal!
Whaaaaaat??! I woke up to find Mark of Nexus Book II has a cover! YAY! I just looooove it.
What do you think?
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Design: Carrie Butler / Photography: Subbotina Anna & Yuri Arcurs

Series: Mark of Nexus - Book 2
Author: Carrie Butler
Category: New Adult (NA)
Genre: Paranormal Romance (PNR)
Release: October 15, 2013
Formats: E-Book & Paperback
Note: Courage (Mark of Nexus #2) features four unique points-of-view. While the novel stands alone, it is best enjoyed afterStrength (Mark of Nexus #1).
Book Description:Rena Collins never thought she’d long for the past—back when affection from Wallace, her freakishly strong boyfriend, was the most dangerous aspect of her life. But now that the human-altering organization known as ERA has gone on the offensive, nothing is safe. Her bloodline is exposed, her relationships torn apart, and just when it seems like things can’t get any worse, ERA ups the ante. To save mankind from forced evolution, Rena will have to mend her broken ties and form a resistance... hand-in-hand with the one she hurt most.
Book Trailer:
Book bloggers may begin requesting e-ARCs via this form. :)
Those who wish to participate in the blog tour, happening October 14th - 26th, may sign up here:
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Click here to visit the official Courage webpage! |
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Writing World: Book News & Updates
If you've been wondering about Children of the Gods #3 here is a quick update...
Until now I haven't had a deadline. I've been free to write at my leisure, which I must admit has been nice. It's hard to write with a baby around. I can't believe it, but it's already been 5 months since I had my little Matthew. I haven't had as much time to write as I'm used to, but I'm finally back to writing on a regular basis. He naps, I write...that's sort of the routine.
I've just recently surpassed the dreaded 100 page mark. As expected, I felt a bit of writers block around that time, but it is now behind me. Wooohooo! 100 pages is about 30,000 words. Oppression & Uprising were both around 90,000 words to give you an idea.
I'm really pleased with what I've written so far. I've been told what I have is the best yet...YAY! Wish me luck on writing the rest of the book :) Anything you're hoping to see happen in book 3?
In other news...
Uprising (Children of the Gods #2) will be published in France by Editions Milan - Macadam. Here is their version of the cover. I love the French title!
Monday, June 24, 2013
The Buzz: HOLD TIGHT Cover Reveal
Hey all! Hope you had a great weekend :) Today I'm taking part in the cover reveal for Cherie Colyer's new book, HOLD TIGHT. Congrats Cherie!! HOLD TIGHT is the sequel to EMBRACE, Cherie's first novel. If you haven't read it, you should. Here is a little about EMBRACE (which also got a cover makeover...don't you LOVE it?!).
Author: Cherie
Publisher: Omnific
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Group: Young Adult
December 2012
Madison is familiar enough with change, and she hates
everything about it. Change took her long-term boyfriend away from her. It
caused one of her friends to suddenly hate her. It's responsible for the death
of a local along with a host of other mysterious happenings. But when Madison
meets a hot new guy, she thinks her luck is about to improve. Madison is
instantly drawn to the handsome and intriguing Isaac Addington. She quickly
realizes he's a guy harboring a secret, but she's willing to risk the unknown
to be with him. Her world really spins out of control, however, when her best
friend becomes delusional, seeing things that aren't there and desperately
trying to escape their evil. When the doctors can't find the answers, Madison
seeks her own. Nothing can prepare her for what she is about to discover. Dangerous,
intoxicating, and darkly romantic, Embrace is a thriller that will leave you
Title: Hold Tight (Embrace, #2)
Author: Cherie
Omnific Publishing
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Group: Young Adult
release date: August
20, 2013
Sixteen-year-old Madison Riley and her friends
discover they aren’t the only supernatural
beings in Gloucester, Massachusetts. These new creatures are more dangerous
than ever, and this time
Madison risks losing more than just her friends.
the Author
Cherie Colyer writes young adult and
middle grade novels. She loves finding new stories that keep her up late
reading. While her favorite genre is realistic paranormal/fantasy, if the book
is beautifully written with characters that come alive she’s all over it.
New covers are the thing these days. How do you feel about cover makeovers such as Embrace, Shatter Me, & Blood Red Road?
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