She's been pretty good to me over the last week, Pink Robe has, but I'm still a big ol' sickie. Hopefully I'll be better soon...but thank God for Pink Robe.
Though I haven't gotten much of anything done while I've been a sickie, my book has been out gallivanting, strutting her stuff, finding her way to Amazon.com, Barnesandnoble.com, Goodreads, and to my surprise, she's been blog hopping!
After I posted the cover reveal for Oppression, I stumbled across several blogs that had shared my excitement and spread the news about my book. It was a little surreal...
My eyebrows squinched (made up word) together and my first thought was, "Wait, someone other than my mom is excited about my book?" Then I was struck with the realization that people actually read my blog and know about my novel. It was a weird moment. A really strange but awesome moment. In any case, back to my point, I wanted to say thank you to those who posted about Oppression or contacted me regarding a review or just to tell me how excited you are about it. I figured the least I could do was link back to your blogs (which would also prove that I'm not making this up...people are really talking about my book).
Lots of love blogger friends. You made my being sick so much better with your posts!! Please check out the posts on Oppression below:
The Daily Harrell, by Jessie Harrell
The Girl Who Reads {A Lot}, by Kayla Lamb
Bending the Spine, by Rebecca
Fragments of Life, by Precious
*If I didn't come across your post on Oppression, let me know. I would love to read it! Thanks again so much!
Anyone else been sick this holiday? If so, what made you smile through the coughing?